Not every one can come to our Face to Face courses, obviously. For that reason, we created our online IELTS course. Also, some of our students went back to their home countries before deciding to study for IELTS to move to Australia permanently. This was another reason to create our online IELTS course. We find that blended learning is a great way to study, so we offer our online IELTS course to all of our students wherever they may be.
Often when people are studying something, they need to be exposed to the information and ideas many times. We are than happy to answer all of your questions no matter how many times you might need to ask the same thing. However, we also understand that you want to save money, so we recorded our course and made it into small, easy-to-follow videos clearly explaining and showing you what the IELTS examiners want and how you can give it to them. By enrolling in our video course, YOU can watch the parts of the course that YOU need over and over again. The great thing is that you only needed to pay once …. and the cost was already much lower than even the 5 Hour Private Lesson package!
Even though our online IELTS video course is amazing (student words, not mine), you still really need theright advice and coaching to make certain you ar edoing the right thing. It’s great to KNOW what to do and HOW to do it, but you can’t really be sure that you ARE doing it. You don’t know what mistakes you ar emaking. That’s why we have huge discounts on the online IELTS course for students who purchase either the 5 Hour or 10 Hour Private Lesson package or the Group Course.
To have a look at our online IELTS video course, please click here.